1. What are the Lions?
Lions are members of Lions Club International, the largest service organisation in the world. There are Lions in every country apart from Burma.
2. What do they do in Bridport?
The Bridport Lions Club helps the community in many ways. We provide services such as free diabetes testing annually. We raise round £10,000 annually. Every penny of that is spent helping local people and local, national and international groups .We pay our own administration costs.
3. What about abroad?
A proportion of money is set aside in a huge Lions International Fund. If there is a disaster in any country, including Britain, local Lions assess the situation and the required money is sent immediately to those local clubs to ensure that help is given as soon as possible to people who need shelter and basic help. Help continues long after the initial disaster.
4. Are Lions local business people?
They can be but anyone over 18 years old can be a Lion. Younger people can be Leos.
5. Why would I want to join Lions?
People join for as many reasons as there are Lions: to widen their social circle, to give back something to their community, to be part of a worldwide association, to help through service and fundraising. Everyone uses their own talents – and may discover some new talents! If you are a Lion you will certainly enjoy the experience.
6. Is Bridport Lions a club for retired people?
Retired people are welcome in the club as they sometimes have time on their hands, but we have people who are employed and active in all sorts of ways. We welcome all ages. Serving your community is not age related.
7. What if I just want to help out sometimes?
All help is gratefully received. We often work in project teams and can use the help of Lion Friends to distribute leaflets, help with catering, put up tents, welcome people to events and so much more. If you feel you are not able to commit to becoming a Lion then think about becoming a “Friend”.
8. I don’t like sitting in meetings. What would I be doing as a Lion?
There are times when we all get together to make decisions about requests for money. Every member has a vote on this. However we tend to work in small committees and project groups so you would have a job right away which suited you - it maybe fundraising, looking at welfare requests, organising a social event for the members – you won’t be bored.
9. How can I become a Lion?
You have to be invited to become a Lion. If we have not met we cannot invite you. So get in touch, email our Membership Chairman using our contact us page or talk to Lions when you see them out and about fundraising. We are waiting to meet you and make you welcome.
10. The question Lions ask most frequently – WHY AREN’T YOU A LION?
Contact Memebrship Chairman Clive Greenaway on 07745023841
1. What are the Lions?
Lions are members of Lions Club International, the largest service organisation in the world. There are Lions in every country apart from Burma.
2. What do they do in Bridport?
The Bridport Lions Club helps the community in many ways. We provide services such as free diabetes testing annually. We raise round £10,000 annually. Every penny of that is spent helping local people and local, national and international groups .We pay our own administration costs.
3. What about abroad?
A proportion of money is set aside in a huge Lions International Fund. If there is a disaster in any country, including Britain, local Lions assess the situation and the required money is sent immediately to those local clubs to ensure that help is given as soon as possible to people who need shelter and basic help. Help continues long after the initial disaster.
4. Are Lions local business people?
They can be but anyone over 18 years old can be a Lion. Younger people can be Leos.
5. Why would I want to join Lions?
People join for as many reasons as there are Lions: to widen their social circle, to give back something to their community, to be part of a worldwide association, to help through service and fundraising. Everyone uses their own talents – and may discover some new talents! If you are a Lion you will certainly enjoy the experience.
6. Is Bridport Lions a club for retired people?
Retired people are welcome in the club as they sometimes have time on their hands, but we have people who are employed and active in all sorts of ways. We welcome all ages. Serving your community is not age related.
7. What if I just want to help out sometimes?
All help is gratefully received. We often work in project teams and can use the help of Lion Friends to distribute leaflets, help with catering, put up tents, welcome people to events and so much more. If you feel you are not able to commit to becoming a Lion then think about becoming a “Friend”.
8. I don’t like sitting in meetings. What would I be doing as a Lion?
There are times when we all get together to make decisions about requests for money. Every member has a vote on this. However we tend to work in small committees and project groups so you would have a job right away which suited you - it maybe fundraising, looking at welfare requests, organising a social event for the members – you won’t be bored.
9. How can I become a Lion?
You have to be invited to become a Lion. If we have not met we cannot invite you. So get in touch, email our Membership Chairman using our contact us page or talk to Lions when you see them out and about fundraising. We are waiting to meet you and make you welcome.
10. The question Lions ask most frequently – WHY AREN’T YOU A LION?
Contact Memebrship Chairman Clive Greenaway on 07745023841