I’m sure everyone was shocked by the ferocity of the storm which hit the Philippines and a sense of helplessness sets in. LCIF, Lions Clubs International Foundation was able to respond immediately with a grant of US $100,000 later increased to US $500,000. There are 380 Lions Clubs in the Philippines, four in Cebu and one in Tacloban with a total membership over 12,600. We do not know how many fatalities have occurred amongst them but Lions on the ground are busy helping where they can. (see photos) The funds sent will help to provide basic needs of food, water, clothing and medicine as well as provide long-term disaster relief efforts and reconstruction. Bridport Lions Club have just donated £250 and Lions Clubs throughout the world are now being asked to donate funds, every penny given will be used to provide further help. The Lions Clubs International Foundation works with UNICEF, WHO and UNESCO.