A group of Year 9 students from The Sir John Colfox Academy are through to the national final of the Landrover/Jaguar STEM (Science, technology, engineering and maths) challenge to be held on Tuesday March 5th in Warwick. Team STEM Storm Squared needed to raise funds to cover their expenses and President Sheila Burton was delighted to present the students with a cheque for £250. AND THEY WON! DONATION TO CAB Helping the wider community through the Bridport and District Citizen’s Advice, President Sheila Burton, along with fellow Lions Clive Greenaway and Peter Bonner presented a cheque for £1500 to Chairman Bryan Brown, Vice Chair Tony Rogers and CEO Rovarn Wickremasinghe. The funds came from our successful 2018 Easter Egg Raffle which raised a total of £2200. Bridport Lions Club have donated sets of 3 books to 9 local primary schools highlighting the effect of plastics on sea ecosystems. The beautifully illustrated books by Looe author Ellie Jackson were offered to all primary schools from Lyme Regis to Burton Bradstock along with Bridport Library. The photo shows Lion Don Morley with Edward and Minka at Powerstock Primary School. |
POSTER COMPETITIONEva Murless, a Year 6 student at Salwayash Primary School is the winner of the District 105D Environmental Poster Competition. President Sheila Burton presented Eva with the Ann Twining Junior Cup and £75. Eva said she hoped to spend her prize on a camera for her riding hat.
DONATION TO LOCAL HOSPITALPresident Sheila Burton along with Lions Don Morley and Peter Bonner presented a cheque for £1000 to Heather Purse, Chair of the Bridport Community Hospital League of Friends. The donation from the annual Easter Egg Draw will go towards the purchase of a Tovertafel, This ceiling mounted computer stimulates people using interactive light projections and is particularly useful for sufferers of dementia.